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February 23rd, 2022
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 96. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
- Site Work - As with all site updates...if you see any problems (bad links, typos, etc.) please contact Russ at Russ@rollingthunder.com so I can get them corrected. Thanks in advance!
July 20th, 2020
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 95. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
September 28th, 2019
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 94. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
March 20th, 2017
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 93. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
July 29th, 2016
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 92. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
Victory! Download Area - An updated Victory! Map Set (v1.03) is now available! One map is in PDF format and covers the entire Victory! gaming area (includes Europe, Canada/US and Weather map info) - it is also in color! The second map is a black/while version of the PDF map in JPEG format so that it can be used with paint programs, etc. A big thank you to Richard Reece who developed and made these maps available to the Victory! gaming community!
July 18th, 2014
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 91. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
March 6th, 2014
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 90. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
October 30th, 2013
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 89. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
May 24th, 2013
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 88. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
October 27th, 2012
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 87. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
June 3rd, 2012
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 86. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
March 8th, 2012
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 85. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
January 6th, 2012
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 84. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
April 28th, 2011
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 83. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
December 1st, 2010
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 81. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
May 28th, 2010
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 80. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
February 11th, 2010
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 79. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
Victory! Download Area - An alternate entry program is now available for Victory! The program, VOEP 1.0.1, is much more advanced than the original Vicentry software (although that can still be used) and works much better with modern computer systems. The program was developed by a Victory! player but is RTG approved and is currently in use by many Victory! players so give it a try!
June 25th, 2009
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 78. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
January 23rd, 2009
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Victory! FTP Download Area - Thanks to popular demand (and me finally getting it done ;)) you can now download examples of every Victory! nation setup. All 40 nations are available in the file SetupExamplesALL.zip. A useful resource for newer players for sure.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 77. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
October 2nd, 2008
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 76. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
May 30th, 2008
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Games # 74 and # 75. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
October 14th, 2007
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 73. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
April 21st, 2007
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 72. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
July 30th, 2006
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 70. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
February 13th, 2006
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 69. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
October 21st, 2005
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 68 and Game # 71. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
March 28th, 2005
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 63 and Game # 67. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
November 2nd, 2004
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 66. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
July 25th, 2004
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 65. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
February 13th, 2004
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 64. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
November 9th, 2003
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Victory! and SuperNova File Updates.
SuperNova: Rise of the Empire - New files added to our player aid download section including an updated lifeform generator spreadsheet, a character recruitment analysis spreadsheet and a discussion on ground combat. Check out the page and the new stuff! SN:ROTE FTP Player Aid Downloads
Victory! The Battle for Europe - Great news!! The Victory map set is now available (in JPG format) for download. Check it out! Victory! FTP Download Area
November 3rd, 2003
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 62. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
July 6th, 2003
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - New area added for SuperNova: Rise of the Empire player aid (player-generated) files.>
SuperNova: Rise of the Empire - New area added for player aid (player-generated) files. Strategy & tactics, worksheets, etc. Check out the page and keep an eye on it as we'll be adding more files on a regular basis. SN:ROTE FTP Player Aid Downloads
June 29th, 2003
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Information and links added for our new message boards!>
Rolling Thunder Forums - Rolling Thunder Games is happy to introduce our new message board which will be replacing our current EZboard forums. The new board has a lot of nice features. Announcements, strategy & tactics, game mechanics questions, player diplomacy, contact information, war stories and fiction - its all here so check it out, get registered and join in!!!
June 16th, 2003
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Updated Hall of Victory for our Victory! The Battle for Europe players.>
Hall of Victory - Updated Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 61. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated to check them out.
April 9th, 2003
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - SuperNova file update - Updated rules and software and some new game supplements for SuperNova: Rise of the Empire as well.
SuperNova: Rise of the Empire - Updated Rules and Orders Supplement, updated Turn Entry software and new Convoy Route and Warp Point Survey supplements now available on the file download page SN:ROTE FTP Download Area
December 23rd, 2002
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Site Update - Several site changes to note including:
- Site Work - Various and sundry page updates, link updates...yada yada yada. If you see any problems (bad links, typos, etc.) please contact Russ at Russ@rollingthunder.com so I can get them corrected. Thanks in advance!
SuperNova: Rise of the Empire - Updated the SuperNova Game Area page and added the SuperNova Fees & Pricing page. The SuperNova FTP (File) Download Area may have some new files since your last visit as well so make sure to check it out if you haven't done so recently.
Project Overlord - A new area has been added for our latest game development project. Project Overlord will be an open-ended, fantasy-theme, empire-building game. Additional information about this game will be available in the months to come. If you are really interested and can't wait
...contact Russ at Russ@rollingthunder.com for more info.
DungeonWorld - The DungeonWorld area of our site has been discontinued with the expiration of our license for this game.
November 22nd, 2002
Victory! The Battle for Europe - The Hall of Victory! area has been updated to include the new Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Games # 56 and # 60. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated so check them out when you get the chance.
September 17th, 2002
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Admin Update - Several administrative changes to note including:
Contact Info [Updated] - Check out our updated contact information which includes a new postal mailing address and a new "hotline" number for SuperNova: Rise of the Empire players.
Company Info & Policy [Updated] - Our updated Company Info & Policy page includes information on using PayPal to make payments into your RTG gaming account. Check it out and let Russ know at Russ@rollingthunder.com if you have any questions.
September 1, 2002
SuperNova: Rise of the Empire - The long-awaited SuperNova: Rise of the Empire is announced! SuperNova is an interactive game of galactic conquest, colonization and exploration. As a player, you choose your own objectives, interact with players from around the world and control your own destiny. You will construct mighty warfleets, colonize entire worlds and explore the galaxy in search of the unknown. You'll encounter a playing area of incredible diversity and flexibility with a complete space fantasy environment featuring detailed planets, great variety in lifeforms and numerous unknown elements just waiting to be discovered.
The gaming area for SuperNova is vast with literally thousands of star systems waiting to be explored, develooped and/or fought over. Your species, which you may design from scratch, has finally consolidated into a single world government and has developed the minimum technology to be reaching out to the stars. You'll have a hand in every aspect of your fledgling empire's development. Set research priorities, design the ships that your people will use, plan and direct industrial operations...colonization...exploration efforts and, of course, military operations. The future greatness of your people is at stake and will be determined by your actions.
I'm ready to build an Empire!...take me to the SuperNova: Rise of the Empire game area
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. - Rolling Thunder is proud to introduce our new message board which features areas for all the games that we run including Victory! The Battle for Europe, DungeonWorld and our latest and greatest...SuperNova: Rise of the Empire. Announcements, strategy & tactics, game mechanics questions, player diplomacy and information sharing and even war stories and game fiction are all to be found here so check out the boards, get yourself registered and join in!
Here is the link: Rolling Thunder Message Board
August 3, 2002
Victory! The Battle for Europe - The Hall of Victory! area was updated to include the new Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Game # 58. The Victorious, The Survivors, The Best of the Best and the Best Nations sections have also been updated and now include data from Games # 50, 55, 57 and 58 so check them out when you get the chance.
February 11, 2002
Victory! The Battle for Europe - The Hall of Victory! area was updated to include the new Hall of Victory PDF document which includes the game ending stats for Games # 50, 55 and 57. The Hall of Victory web pages have not been updated with this new data yet but the project to do so is underway and they will be updated asap.
December 19, 2001
Victory! The Battle for Europe - The Hall of Victory! area was updated to include the final statistics for games # 47, 48, 49, 52 and 54. These games were previously made available to the players involved in those games via mail and they are now available to all via our site.
- Game # 47 Final Stats provides all of the game statistics for the surviving nations of Game # 47. Game # 47 was won by Keith Hammack, playing the nation of Germany, with an individual score of 626 victory pts. A total of ten players survived until the end.
- Game # 48 Final Stats provides all of the game statistics for the surviving nations of Game # 48. Game # 48 was won by Brent Freiberger, playing the nation of Baltic States, with an individual score of 612 victory pts. A total of eight players survived until the end.
- Game # 49 Final Stats provides all of the game statistics for the surviving nations of Game # 49. Game # 49 was won by a two man total alliance. Jeff Thomas, playing the nation of Bulgaria and Steve Graves, playing the nation of Greece, with an average scroe of 671 victory pts. A total of two players survived until the end.
- Game # 52 Final Stats provides all of the game statistics for the surviving nations of Game # 52. Game # 52 was won by a three man total alliance. Brian Goehrig, playing the nation of Iraq, Tim McFadden, playing the nation of Libya and Bill Vogensen, playing the nation of Syria with an average score of 627 victory pts. A total of three players survived until the end.
- Game # 54 Final Stats provides all of the game statistics for the surviving nations of Game # 54. Game # 54 was won by John Stoneman, playing the nation of Norway, with an individual score of 586 victory pts. A total of two players survived until the end.
December 6th, 2001
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc.
Contact information updated following the move of our physical office and some personnel changes.
October 25th, 2000
DungeonWorld, a MadhouseUK fantasy role-playing adventure game run under license, is incorporated into out site. Check it out!
September 1st, 2000
Beyond the Stellar Empire
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. discontinues its operation of the PBM/PBEM game Beyond the Stellar Empire and transfers the license to Slow Motion Games, Inc.
April 21, 2000
Beyond the Stellar Empire
An official BSE-Announcements email list has been set up with egroups.com to handle game announcements of various kinds. All BSE players are encouraged to sign up. This is not a game discussion list and the only emails you will receive from it will be those generated by a moderator. Traffic will be relatively light and restricted to official news and announcements.
March 22, 2000
Beyond the Stellar Empire
A new Official Development Announcement is available at BSEODA #5. This announcement deals with the proposed new space combat system for BSE so all BSE players should check it out.
November 19, 1999, 1999
Beyond the Stellar Empire
A new Official Development Announcement is available at BSEODA #4. This announcement deals with the proposed new space combat system for BSE so all BSE players should check it out.
October 25, 1999, 1999
Beyond the Stellar Empire
A new Official Development Announcement is available at BSEODA #3.
October 11, 1999, 1999
Victory! The Battle for Europe - The Hall of Victory! area was expanded with the the addition of the final statistics for Game # 41. Game #41 was won by Bob Evans, playing the nation of Bulgaria, with an individual score of 678 victory pts. A total of six players survived until the end.
September 14, 1999, 1999
Victory! The Battle for Europe - The Hall of Victory! area was expanded with the enabling of the Best of the Best and Best Nations links.
- The Best of the Best provides several top twenty lists to distinguish those nations who achieved the most in various areas including best individual score, best alliance score, most naval losses inflicted, most air losses inflicted, most army losses inflicted, best average national morale, best average national treasury, largest final navy, largest final air force, largest final army, highest final national morale, highest final IMDL total and highest final ADL total.
- The Best Nations provides a list of every player to complete a game of Victory! with a given nation. The rankings are by individual score and the unit nationality used by a given nation is also provided.
September 10th, 1999
Beyond the Stellar Empire and Victory! The Battle for Europe -
The following link area was added to both the BSE and Victory! FTP Download Areas.
- Rolling Thunder Games, Inc - Misc Links
Get Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print .PDF files.
Get WinZip to handle archive duties and any .zip compressed files you may wish to receive from us. An evaluation version can be downloaded for free but the registered version will run you $29.00. A very useful program to have in any event, if you use a Windows OS. WinZip is a registered trademark of Nico Mak Computing, Inc. and you need to visit their site to obtain this software.
September 9th, 1999
Beyond the Stellar Empire -
The new BSE Turn Printing utility program is now available and with it - email turn results are now available. Review the announcement at BSEODA #2 and download the software at BSE FTP Download Area.
A new Official Proposal Outline is available at BSEOPO #2. One new item has been added to the previous proposal list.
Beyond the Stellar Empire map area incorporated into this site from previous BSE site. Review the rules directly with this BSE Map Area link.
Periphery Director List link enabled in BSE Game Area.
Ringbone Gazette link enabled in BSE Game Area.
BSE Upgrade Log link provided at Upgrade Log to allow us to catalog the improvements and upgrades introduced in BSE since Sept 1st, 1999.
If you find a anything that does not work properly - please let Russ know at Russ@rollingthunder.com so it can be corrected ASAP. Thanks in advance.
September 8th, 1999
Beyond the Stellar Empire - Beyond the Stellar Empire rules (HTML version) incorporated into this site from previous BSE site. Review the rules directly with this BSE Rules link. All internal links redone along with some minor changes in content & appearance. If you find a link that does not work properly - please let Russ know at Russ@rollingthunder.com so they can be corrected ASAP. Thanks in advance.
September 7th, 1999
General Site Work - Web site directory structure modified and all links changed accordingly. Minor corrections and or improvements implemented for a number of pages. If you find a link that does not work properly - please let Russ know at Russ@rollingthunder.com so they can be corrected ASAP. Thanks in advance.
September 2nd, 1999
Beyond the Stellar Empire - The BSE area now has links to allow you to view the current Official Proposal Outline (detailing what BSE improvement ideas are currently under active consideration for implementation) and the current Official Development Announcement (detailing what BSE improvements have taken place recently or are in the process of being implemented).
August 29, 1999
Victory! The Battle for Europe - The Victory area now has a link to allow you to download the Victory! rules package, the VICENTRY turn entry software, the VICMAN game utility software, the complete American, British, German and Russian tech packages and the current Hall of Victory. The new link can be directly accessed at Victory! FTP Download Area.
August 28, 1999
General Information - The Contact Us link was expanded to provide a page of contact information instead of a single mailto link. Our voice line, fax line and all of our various email addresses (with mailto links) are provided.
Beyond the Stellar Empire and Victory! The Battle for Europe - The Our Games area was reworked so that this area will now provide general introduction information only. Victory! has been given a game specific area at Victory! while Beyond the Stellar Empire will have one at BSE.
Victory! The Battle for Europe - The Hall of Victory area now has a link to allow you to view/download a complete Hall of Victory (except for final statistics which are only provided for the two most recent games to end - G# 45 and G# 46). The file format is Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) and we've also provided Get Acrobat Reader as a link to acquire the software you will need to view/print this file (Note: Acrobat Reader is a free program - you just need to download it and install).
August 25, 1999
Victory! The Battle for Europe - The Hall of Victory! area was expanded with the enabling of the Final Statistics link. At this time, only the final statistics for Games #45 & #46 (the two most recent games to have ended) are available. The game-end stats for other games will be available in the future.
- Game #45 Final Stats provides all of the game statistics for the surviving nations of Game #45. Game #45 was won by James O'Brien, playing the nation of Southern Russia, with an individual score of 662 victory pts. A total of eleven players survived until the end.
- Game #46 Final Stats provides all of the game statistics for the surviving nations of Game #46. Game #46 was won by Charles G. Clark, playing the nation of France, with an individual score of 609 victory pts. A total of nine players survived until the end.
August 24, 1999
Victory! The Battle for Europe - The Hall of Victory! link was enabled with the first two sections, The Victorious and The Survivors, complete. The remaining sections, The Best of the Best, Best Nations, Final Game Statistics and Hall of Victory PDF file download are still under construction but should be available soon.
- The Victorious provides a complete list of all Victory! The Battle for Europe games that have finished along with the individual or alliance that proved victorious in each game. The information provided includes the type of win (alliance or individual), the winning score (individual score for individuals and average score for alliances), the nations played and the actual length of the each game in turns.
- The Survivors provides a complete list of all the players who have finished a game of Victory! The Battle for Europe. The information provided includes the nation played, the individual score and the unit nationality used along with the actual length of the game in turns.
August 23, 1999
The base web site for Rolling Thunder Games, Inc [rollingthunder.com] comes online.