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Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in company policies with little or no warning although we usually will give fair warning of any significant change. Our company policies are designed to give you, the customer, an idea of how our company operates, what you can expect from us and what we, in turn, expect from you. |
- Player Accounts
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An account will be established in your name when you first start gaming with Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. All business that you have with us will be conducted through this single account. Payment for PBM gaming services or materials must be made in advance (we do not bill customers) so you should always have a positive or zero balance in your game account. Game fees, etc. will be drawn from your account based upon your level of activity. The balance of your account will be reported to you with each turn result that you receive. When your account runs low, simply send in another check or money order for deposit into your account (please do not send cash through the mail). Always include your account number, if you have already been issued one, on your check or money order and please make all payments in U.S. dollars. Alternatively, you may opt to service your RTG account under our VISA/MC payment plan. In the event that a payment check is returned by our bank due to insufficient funds or a closed account, the amount of the check will be deducted immediately from your account and a "returned item fee" of $3.00 will be charged against your account as well.
All transactions with Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. are conducted in U.S. funds.
The account number you are issued also serves as a security password for use when you are requesting information about your position or account over the phone. DO NOT reveal your account number to anyone that you do not implicitly trust. If you suspect that your account number has become known, you may request (in writing) that we issue you another account number.
The current (unused) balance of your account is refundable to you upon request when you are no longer active in one of our games. Fees for PBM gaming services already provided are not refundable.
VISA/MC Payment Plan Option
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A VISA/Mastercard Payment Plan is available for those of you wishing to pay for your game activities with your credit card (Note: VISA and Mastercard are the only credit cards accepted directly by Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. at this time.).
The way this automatic credit payment plan works is as follows:
1) The first thing you need to do is fill out a VISA/MC Authorization form. The form can be printed from here VISA/MC Form, downloaded VISAMC.ZIP [1K] or requested by email/letter/phone at any time. This form includes an "Authorization Agreement" that you will be agreeing to and also has provisions for all the information we need to put you on this plan. Please make sure that the address on the form matches the billing address of your credit card. Our processing system will verify this address when we put through a charge on your card and if they do not match, the charge may be declined. If you have any questions when filling out the form, do not hesitate to give us a call.
2) Once you've filled out the form, signed it and mailed it to RTG, you'll be put on our VISA/MC automatic credit payment plan. Whenever your account reaches $0.00 or less, an automatic purchase of $60.00 in game credit will be put through on your credit card and the funds will be deposited into your RTG, Inc. account. This credit payment plan is completely optional and you can cancel your membership in this plan at any time with a written notification to RTG, Inc. Any unused funds remaining in your game account can, of course, be refunded upon request. While you are signed up under this credit payment plan, you will not have to worry about your account going negative or a check/money order getting lost in the mail. Billing statements will appear on your normal credit card statement.
3) Participation in this credit payment plan will have to be renewed with a new authorization form whenever the expiration date on the credit card you are using is reached. A new authorization form with the new expiration date will have to be sent in at that time (we'll be notifying you when it is time to send in a new authorization form). In addition, if you wish to change from one credit card to another while on this payment plan, just send in a new authorization form with the new information and let us know that it is to replace your current one.
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PayPal Payment
Rolling Thunder Games maintains a PayPal account for those of you wishing to pay for your game activities via PayPal
The way PayPal works is as follows:
1) The first thing you need to do is sign up for a PayPal account if you do not already have one. The link for PayPal is PayPal
2) Once you have a PayPal account you can send money to Rolling Thunder Games for your gaming account via the PayPal Send Money feature. All PayPal transactions are in US Dollars and you can have your PayPal account tied to either a bank account or a credit card. While you can send any amount of money via PayPal, we ask, for administrative reasons, that you send $30.00 minimum. Transferred funds will be placed into your RTG account on a daily basis as we receive transaction notifications from PayPal.
2) Our email address for PayPal payments is Russ@rollingthunder.com. Double-check and make sure that this is the email address you use for PayPal payments.
- Hold Policy
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A player account must have a zero or positive balance in order to be considered "in good standing". Accounts with a balance of -$10.00 or less are subject to being placed "on hold" at the discretion of Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. "On hold" accounts may or may not be allowed to continue submitting turns for their game positions but, in all cases, "on hold" accounts will not receive turn results for their game positions.
- RTG Hotlines
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Our customer service hotlines are available Monday through Friday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm MDT. These are normal hours. We often work beyond these hours (both earlier & later) and on most holidays so there is nothing wrong with calling outside of these hours (although you may not get an answer or the person you need to talk to may not be available). We try to answer the phone as much as possible.
If you need some information or have any questions/problems, just give us a call. We welcome your calls but please try to keep them short and to the point. We would love to talk but time is precious and other players may wish to call as well. Write your questions down before calling and make sure that you can't find the answer on your own first. This will help keep your phone bill down and will allow us to maintain our turn processing schedule and help as many people as possible.
Our "Admin/Victory! Hotline" number is (303) 627-1487.
Our "SuperNova Hotline" number is currently unavailable
- RTG FAX Service
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Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. operates a dedicated FAX line that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may use our FAX line to request information, request rules for any of our games, register for a game and/or send in your turns. Our company does not impose a charge for the use of this service.
A few notes regarding FAX procedures:
1) A FAX machine operates much like a copy machine so when you are feeding a registration form, turn sheet, etc. through your machine, it is important that your original copy be as legible and easy to read as possible. Use *black* ink pens or dark type whenever possible and avoid *pencil* and light type at all costs. The quality of the FAX transmission depends a great deal on the quality of the original document and it doesn't do you any good to FAX us something that we cannot read on our end. If your FAX is really important to you, follow it up with a quick phone call to make sure that we received it and that it came through legibly.
2) If you are using FAX software, the quality of your FAX should not be a problem. If you are using your software to submit game turns, however, you should check with us the first time you submit a turn to ensure that the format of your turn submission is OK. Your game's GM will appreciate it and it can help reduce input errors on our part.
3) Make sure that you include your name and account number (if known) on every page of the document before FAXing it to us. If you are going to FAX in a Victory! game turn, make sure that you include the nation and game # as well (ON EVERY PAGE). In addition, you will need to give each page a page number. You can't FAX a regular Victory! turn sheet (double-sided, 11 x 17) so you'll have to FAX it one page at a time (a single Victory! turn sheet works out to four pages when FAXing). We will process the orders in page order and from top to bottom. If you put a page number on every page, there is a greatly reduced chance of your orders being input out of sequence.
4) Take the extra effort to prepare your turn when using a FAX machine. It is better than having orders left out or processed out of sequence due to a poor FAX transmission.
Our "FAX" number is currently unavailable.
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Email Service Notes
4) Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. maintains several email addresses for contact and email turn submission purposes. It is important, particularly with email turn submissions, to use the proper email address so that your turns are received and processed on schedule.
SuperNova: Rise of the Empire
SuperNova Email Turn Submissions - Use supernova@rollingthunder.com
SuperNova Turn Processing Questions - Use supernova@rollingthunder.com
SuperNova Game Mechanics Questions - Use supernova@rollingthunder.com
Victory! The Battle for Europe
Victory Email Turn Submissions - Use victory@rollingthunder.com
Victory Turn Processing Questions - Use victory@rollingthunder.com
Victory Game Mechanics Questions - Use russ@rollingthunder.com
Project Overlord
Project Overlord Questions - Use russ@rollingthunder.com
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Postal Service Notes
Mail that arrives at our P.O. Box with postage due will be accepted and paid for (it will not be refused). The postage due amount is subsequently deducted from your account. Be advised, however, that postage-due mail is always delayed in arriving and that we cannot be responsible for delays in mail delivery by postal services.
You may opt to mail your turn submissions to us via U.S. Priority Mail, U.S. Express Mail, International Express Mail or any other mail service you wish to use.
1) If the mailing option you select allows for delivery to a P.O. Box then please use our normal mailing address. If you have the option to waive a requirement for a signature upon delivery, please do so. It will save us the need to stand in line at the post office and will be greatly appreciated.
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc.
P.O. Box 460999
Aurora, CO 800462) If the mailing option you select requires a physical street address then please contact Russ for mailing address:
A special postage surcharge will be applied to any turn results mailed to a non-U.S./non-Canadian address. The amount of the surcharge will be equal to the difference between the actual postage cost and the postage cost for mailing the same item to a U.S. address. Example: A item that weighs 1.8 oz would cost $ 0.55 to mail to a U.S. address. The same item would cost $ 1.80 to mail if mailed to an address in Great Britain. The postage surcharge in this case would be $ 1.25.
Players may request that their turn results be returned by U.S. Priority Mail, U.S. Express Mail or International Express Mail. In all cases, a special postage surcharge equal to the normal cost of the mailing option requested (i.e. $ 3.85 for U.S. Priority Mail, etc.) is passed along to the player.
- Game Evolution
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PBM Games, generally, are constantly evolving. Expanded rules, improved printouts, programming changes, etc. are not uncommon. Significant changes may or may not occur in an ongoing game, depending on the game (some games change slowly or not at all, other games are designed to evolve constantly). Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. endeavors to provide complete & current rulebooks for all our games but this may not always be possible. Rule update packages are usually available (free of charge) as supplements to rulebooks that have become dated and, for specific rulings, you may always contact our staff for the current rule on a given subject. The majority of changes, of course, will be beneficial in some way since our goal is to produce and operate the best games that we can.
If you have ideas or concepts you would like to see in the game that you are playing or for a game which you would like to see us develop and operate, please let us know. We cannot promise to take action on any given suggestion but we do promise to consider every submission.
Game fees are normally very stable but inflation (particularly postage rate increases) will occasionally mandate an increase in turn fees and/or miscellaneous fees/charges for one or more of our games. If this proves necessary, we will give you notice in advance of the effective fee increase date.
- Rule Decision Process
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The fact that most PBM games do evolve over time means that there will be instances where no rule exists to cover a specific game situation, where an existing rule makes no sense or where an existing rule is outdated and/or no longer adequate to handle the situation properly. In such cases, the Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. staff will evaluate the situation and make an appropriate ruling. Rulings of this nature may or may not be announced publicly, depending on the circumstances (i.e. it may be a one-time event affecting only a single player). A given ruling may be beneficial to your game position(s) or not but in all cases the decisions of our staff are final.
- Error Correction Process
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Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. strives to keep our game programs free of programming bugs and to ensure that submitted turns are handled in a proper manner including, where applicable, accurate data entry for submitted orders. It is impossible, of course, to promise that no program bug will ever be encountered or that no administrative/input error will ever be made. In such events, Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. will exercise our best effort to correct the problem/error as soon as we are made aware of it and, where possible, to take steps to ensure that similar problems/errors do not occur in the future. Please bear in mind that it may not be possible to completely undo/correct some things and that, in some cases, we may only be able to offer compensation of some kind. In some cases, the effects of an error may be uncorrectable, negligible or even positive to a player and we may opt to take no action. Our options will be directly related to the nature of the problem/error and the game in question. Some problems/errors are easier to correct than others are and some games are easier to make corrections in than others are. Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. will not accept responsibility for any error/problem that was not caused by a program bug, an administrative error or a data entry input error made by one of our staff. In the event that you believe that one of your game positions was affected by an error of some kind, we ask that you contact us immediately. Please be prepared to answer any questions and/or provide any documentation we might ask for when we investigate the matter.
- Player Conduct
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Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. reserves the right to refuse service to anyone. Circumvention of clearly stated rules, abusive conduct toward RTG staff and/or other players and/or disruptive behavior of any kind are all potential reasons for removal from a game or games and possibly a closing of your Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. account. Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. will determine when and under what circumstances such actions are appropriate and, by participating in one of our games, all players are assumed to understand this and agree to leave such matters to our discretion. Players may or may not be issued a warning for inappropriate conduct, depending on the circumstances, prior to their removal. All players should bear in mind that they are participating in a "game" and refrain from abusive and/or disruptive behavior.
- Position Limits
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Players are limited to having only one position in a given game of Victory! The Battle for Europe. You may, however, play in as many games as you wish. You may join games with your close friends and/or relatives. Players in SuperNova: Rise of the Empire may run multiple positions without any problem.
- Postion Transfers
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Players usually have the option to transfer any game position they currently play to another player, providing that no specific game rules are violated as a result. Position transfers can be initiated by letter, fax, email or by phone. The player who is currently playing the position must initiate the transfer, providing his account number for identification, and his account must be in good standing at the time of the transfer. The player who is on the receiving end of the transfer may or may not be required to notify Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. of his acceptance of the transfer (depending on the game). All position transfers are subject to final approval by Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. Game positions may not be transferred on a temporary and/or conditional basis without the specific approval of Rolling Thunder Games, Inc.
- Position Drops
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Please let us know immediately if you decide to stop playing (drop) a given position. Drop requests may be submitted by letter, fax, email or by phone. Please remember to include your account number when notifying us of your desire to drop a position. If you have dropped your last position and wish a refund of any unused funds remaining in your account, please let us know that as well.
- Address/Email Changes
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Please notify us as soon as possible if your address or email changes so that we can ensure that your game materials are sent to the correct address. Address change notifications can be submitted by letter, fax, email or by phone. Please remember to include your account number when notifying us of an address change.
- Rolling Thunder Community Board
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Rolling Thunder Games operates a message board which features areas for all the games that we run including Victory! The Battle for Europe and our latest and greatest...SuperNova: Rise of the Empire. Announcements, strategy & tactics, game mechanics questions, player diplomacy and information sharing and even war stories and game fiction are all to be found here so check out the board, get yourself registered and join in!
Here is the link: Rolling Thunder Forums
Rolling Thunder Games, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in company policies with little or no warning although we usually will give fair warning of any significant change. Our company policies are designed to give you, the customer, an idea of how our company operates, what you can expect from us and what we, in turn, expect from you.